jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Thanks Ainara

Hi everyone!

I´d like to thank Ainara for helping me put this blog list on. Couldn't've done it without you!
That's what I call team work!.

My blog project at school is going really well and they love it (most of them, anyway).
See if Ican take a picture of my students at work, that is if they let me.

I'll keep in touch.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

I wanted to share a thought about my teaching. I've got these 16-17 year olds who have never been very academically successful. However, it's amazing to see them work on something they are really interested in. I've decided to adapt the curriculum a bit, and instead of exercises and exams all the time they are doing the subject through assigments which bring in elements of what they are really interested in; for example music, history of punk and so on.

As I teach computers, they are doing power points and creating blogs. We´ve already seen windows and although I should have carried on for another two weeks, I could feel they needed a change of focus and It is great to see how interested they are. And this is a class where it used to be a miracle if all of them turned up.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

Hi there!

Now that I have to do an assigment on the new technologies being used at a school, we've decided
to create a blog in class at the school where I work. The students seem to like the idea and it will be a great opportunity to talk about what they've learnt everyday, the positive and negative things and so on.

We might start next week, so I'll let you know how it goes.


miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Hi everybody!

I hope you've had an interesting day at university!
I've just worked out how to upload videos and images from the net. One thing down, many more to go.

Apart from this, I intend to start with the assigment about new technologies.
I've chosen the school where I'm working at the moment in Iruña. See how it goes.

See you all,

Leire azkue

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008

Here is an interesting video about why we are doing what we are doing.
Enjoy it!


sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

Now that we have to watch the Truman show, I thought that this video really shows how aspects of what goes on in the film actually happen everyday as we have this need to broadcast our private lives in any sphere possible.


viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008



I've done it at last. This is Leire, and although I'll not be going to class, I'll
keep up with things by reading your blogs and going in moodle. I'm off to bed now as I've got to get up early to run, so sleep well.

Speak to you soon.
