Hello all.
I thought I'd share this story with you about the power of youtube.
As I work on the computer, I usually listen to BBC radio and at the moment there's a topic of hot discussion around the topics of celebrity and taste. The background to the story is as follows:
2 controversial comedians who host, among other things, a radio programme phoned the home of a British actor, Andrew Sachs. He's best known for playing a rather slow Spanish waiter in a seaside hotel in one of the best-loved comedy series on British TV.
Anyway, he wasn't in when they called so they left a series of rather abusive messages on his aswerphone. This lead to 2 people phoning the BBC to complain; not a particular serious response.
However, someone thought the clip funny and decided to post it on youtube and in no time at all the BBC had received over 30,000 complaints. Eventually, one of the presenters resigned, one has been suspended and various admisitrative heads are set to role. And all because someone put it on youtube!!!
It makes you think.
If you fancy waching it, here's the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7IHJ66wj9gAnyway, I really must make a start on that powerpoint assignment.